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19th august


Start Your Body Transformation at Birmingham's Multi Award-Winning PIT Gym

We are an application only facility. 
Your only way in is to apply.

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We've helped over 5,000 people radically transform their bodies and mindset in just 6 weeks!

  • We're officially the two-time best gym in the Midlands and Wales 2021 & 2022 as voted by the National Fitness Awards.
  • ​The 6-week transformation programme is open to everyone - no matter your shape, size, age or ability, this programme is universal and we have a 100% track record of delivering results.
  • To date we've taken dozens of people off of depression and diabetes medication and have prevented over 15 suicides.

Ready to improve your confidence, self-esteem and ambition?
Then we're the place for you.

How you feel matters and our coaches will be there with you every step of the way to address any issues, concerns or problems you may have that are preventing you from achieving the best shape of your life.

what's included in the programme?

  • Five training sessions each week (three weight sessions + two cardio sessions).
  • ​Personalised nutrition plan based on your height, weight, goals and dietary requirements. 
  • Coaches who know your name and genuinely care about your progress. 
  • Structured training sessions developed solely with your transformation in mind
  • Constant accountability from the PIT Team - we'll ask why you're not here!
  • Expert guidance and support provided by our body transformation coaches.
  • Access to an exclusive, motivated and likeminded community.
  • Comprehensive coaching on how to train properly.
  • Daily entry to a custom built training facility. 
  • ​A training partner of similar ability to maximise motivation.
  • ​Unique themes for each week of training to maximise results and enjoyment. 
  • ​Guaranteed results.
*spaces are limited so make sure you get in quick

our transformations
speak for themselves


kieran quinlan

Multi Award Winning Coach & Mental Health Advocate
A traumatic, life-changing event set Kieran on the path to creating The PIT Gym. In 2011, he was attacked, unprovoked, and stabbed through his heart, lung and aorta -- his heart stopped three times.

Doctors said that if he hadn't been so fit and healthy, he wouldn't have survived.

Upon leaving hospital, Kieran struggled with severe depression, anxiety, insomnia and PTSD. He felt frustrated, weak, unconfident and lacked direction.

Desperate to turn his life around, Kieran structured himself a fitness routine to help lift him out of the dark place he found himself in. Over the past 11 years, Kieran has refined this system to the point of perfection: this is the training programme all PIT clients will experience when training with us.

Expect your body, mind and attitude to be totally transformed.

The system works -- as shown by The PIT being awarded the title of Best Gym in the Midlands and Wales at the 2021 and 2022 National Fitness Awards.

Individually, Kieran has been awarded 'Most Inspirational Person of the Year' at the MBCC awards, 'Businessman of the Year' at the Birmingham Awards, has been featured on BBC Three's 'Amazing Humans' and he was also a baton carrier for the 2022 Commonwealth Games.

Harnessing the discipline, emotion and motivation it required to pull himself out of a truly desperate situation, Kieran has channelled all of his experiences into the PIT Body Transformation programme.

Ready to make drastic changes to your lifestyle, habits, health and happiness?

Then you're in the right place.

Focus, Desire and passion.

Our objective is to help you achieve your goals. The transformation programme requires maximum focus, determination and a passion to transform the way you want to. 

We will always ensure that every programme is tailored and delivered to your specific requirements and goals. Following a comprehensive consultation process, we will develop a plan that works.
Your PIT Gym 12 Week Transformation:

most clients experience at least one of these three situations...

Struggling To Lose Weight

  • Don't know what and how much to eat
  • Don't understand how to achieve results
  • Don't have an exercise plan to follow
  • Find exercise in a normal gym intimidating or boring 
  • ​Don't have a specific goal to work towards

struggling to Balance & Focus

  • Unable to find a fitness routine that suits your lifestyle
  • No-one to hold you accountable
  • Unsure which exercises lead to the best results

struggling with self-belief

  • Lack of confidence when looking in the mirror
  • Frustration with a lack of progress
  • Not achieving results in the past
  • Goals aren't compelling enough to take consistent action

how you can
 Solve these 

  • Follow a tailored nutrition plan specific to your needs and lifestyle. 
  • Train in a fun, judgement free environment supported by experienced body transformation coaches.
  • Learn from a team of body transformation coaches who will be with you every step of the way to guarantee incredible results.
  • Identify a compelling goal that makes you excited to come to the gym. 
  • Join our facility with a ​100% track record of amazing results.



  • We only work with people who are ready to change their lifestyle. If you're determined, committed and ready to give us your full dedication, we have a flawless track record of delivering results.
  • You get out what you put in. This programme has been refined over a decade to produce incredible results. All you need to do is follow our plan.
  • When you join The PIT, you're investing in yourself. You'll join a like-minded community of people who will push you to achieve the best version of you.

We are ready to give you the platform you need to improve your health and wellbeing. The PIT provides tailored fitness and diet plans suited to your needs and emphasise the requirement for focus and commitment.

Our team, and the rest of the PIT Gang, will support you every step of the way. We pride ourselves on the environment and community we've built and we want you to feel apart of it.


how We're different to mainstream gyms...

  • The conventional gym model is broken: Train at a 'mainstream' gym and you'll be left to your own devices without any support or nutritional advice. We've heard it from countless members: they're fed up having to queue for machines; often feel uncomfortable in their surroundings; and have no one to turn to for motivation.
  • The PIT is completely different and superior in every way. You'll have your own personalised diet for your specific goal, each session is overseen by between 3-6 friendly and expert trainers who will answer any and every question, you'll never be waiting around to use a machine, and you will get to know as many people in the gym as you're comfortable talking to.
  • We've made it our mission to create a safe space for people of all abilities to come and train to improve their health, appearance, mindset and mental health. Whether you've never trained before or have years of experience in the gym, you'll find the sessions challenging, enjoyable and rewarding
  • ​Expect us to hold you accountable. We know that the people who show up the most, weigh themselves each week and stick to their diet are the ones who achieve the most impressive results. We'll keep in constant contact with you to address any problems you may have -- whether gym related or just generally in life -- and work with you to transform you into the best version of you possible.
  • With a 100% track record of results and over 5,000 transformations to date, we are the two-time best gym in the Midlands and Wales. We're certain that we'll provide you with a remarkable transformation, providing that you can fully commit to our programme, diet plan and lifestyle.


Is this a good fit for you? Read these

frequently asked questions

How do I apply to join the PIT Gym?
We are an application only gym. The only way to join is by clicking the 'APPLY NOW' links on this page.
How will I know what food I should be eating?
You'll be given a simple, personalised diet plan that delivers the exact style of nutrition you need in order to achieve your health goals.

Our huge list of ingredients allows you to mix and match items for your meals, and your day’s worth of food is calorie counted.

The weight required for all of your meals is laid out clearly, making the process of preparing and eating your meals as simple as possible.
What class times do the PIT Gym offer?
Depending on your schedule, and when you prefer to work out, we have a bunch of different times that’ll work for you in our group classes at The PIT.

We currently offer six different time slots; when you sign up for the Transformation Programme, you’ll be assigned one of these times, which you’ll attend five times each week (Monday through Friday).

How much does the transformation programme cost?
We don't publicly disclose the cost of our programme. We are a private, application only facility. We have a long waiting list and we want to ensure you are fully committed and dedicated to getting results. 

After filling your application, you will be invited for a free strategy call where we'll run through the details of the programme. 
What happens after the transformation programme ends?
We have a huge number of people who want to stay on at The PIT after achieving what they set out to do by the end of their 6 or 12-week programme.

Many members want to continue training with us as part of our exclusive PIT GANG, and build on the results they’ve worked so hard to achieve, by staying on for multiple cycles or, in many cases, many years.

If you decide you’d like to stay, and we feel like you’re both a good fit for the gym, and embody the lifestyle that we cherish, then you’ll be invited to carry on under a rolling monthly contract.

All that we ask of our long standing members is that they give us 30-days notice before taking the decision to leave.

your body is the vehicle but your mind is the engine.

Ready to put some fuel in the tank?

The PIT is more than a gym, it's a safe place for people from all walks of life to come and work on their minds and bodies together.

We will provide every single tool you need to transform your body, mind and life in remarkable ways. Every single member leaves our facility in a better position than they started in.

Over years of trial and error, we've created a programme that works for everybody, whether you've never stepped foot in a gym or have years of training experience. Our facility is perfectly designed to provide the results you crave -- mentally and physically.

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